Ponte Pilas



Brought together by fate and circumstance at a young age, Calum, Daniel, Ralde and Ismael started making music together in 2017 as Indie Rock Band Ponte Pilas – always inspired by their common heroes such as Iggy Pop, The Rolling Stones and Blondie. While their passion for Rock’n’Roll connects them, each one channels this in their own unique way: Artsy and passionate, cool and funny, charismatic and crazy and the introspective musician. In Ponte Pilas they unify these disparate souls into one, especially since they write all their songs together in a collaborative way. Each band member leaves their own indelible mark on the song, which resonates with each listener in a different and powerful way.

In the last 5 years the British-Ecuadorian band has shared many moments together: Being unemployed and living in a two bedroom apartment in Berlin, they were hustling for every show they could find in some of dirtiest, darkest spots in town. Soon they had conquered the hearts of their fans and also caught the attention of other fellow musicians, from glam-punks to grime artists. This led to support tours with indie heroes The Wedding Present, British upstarts King Nun, The Legendary Tigerman and various others as well as their own headline shows throughout Germany and Europe. In 2019 Ponte Pilas won the „listen to berlin“ award for their Single „Eye for an Eye“ which was followed by their debut EP „So It Goes“, released in summer 2021.

Through all that they have grown even closer together and their music has evolved as they got more politically and socially conscious: they dived into other, more mature topics which they now put out into their debut album, planned for summer 2022. Ponte Pilas believe that musicians have a platform and opportunity to push positive change. They like to see themselves as „The Band Of The People“ and therefore are eager to commit to important topics and seek exchange with other musicians as well as with their fans. Their lyrics always carry a strong message they want to deliver – from existential themes, their gradual descent into middle age, to more serious and political topics, often with a generous dose of self-deprecation and barbed social critique.

And yet they do not lose the musical expression of Sex and Rock’n’Roll: especially live, Ponte Pilas bring an incredible energy and intensity across the stage which they have already proven on various opportunities across the continent. Their energetic appearance fits very well to their band name: Ponte Pilas, in Ecuadorian Spanish slang, translates to „put on your batteries“ meaning to „get your act together“ and to wake up to reality. With catchy guitar riffs and driving rhythms Ponte Pilas’ music combines elements of contemporary and classic rock which results in their energetic Alternative Indie Rock Sound. Before, sometimes during and always after their shows, they like to mix with the audience for drinks, conversations and just to enjoy a good time well into the night. In sum: Ponte Pilas are a passionate, thought-provoking, hilarious and, most importantly, very modest Indie-Rock-Band that you don’t wanna miss live on stage!